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Discovery Search provides the means to find anything in your database quickly and easily.

Discovery Search

Unlock your data through the Power of Search

It offers the flexibility to locate and relate the data in your database using simple text based input. Documents and information can be easily found through the discovery search engine. PermitLink is able to locate phrases, text or other information stored in your database at lighting fast speeds.

Collective Intelligence Extension

Collective Intelligence is unique to PermitLink and is the first permitting solution to offer this feature. Discovery Search provides the flexibility to add Collective Intelligence to any permit or document in the system further extending searchable results. Based on the keywords or descriptive text added by the users of the system, stored permits and documents are transformed through personalized inclusion of relevant information. 

PDF Scraping and 3 Dimensional Search

Discovery Search offers the ability to scrape data from imported pdf documents. By applying 3 Dimensional Search, data becomes searchable horizontally and vertically against a specific reference. 

Fastest Growing Solution

Discovery Search does just that and is part of the reason why PermitLink is the fastest growing electronic permitting solution available. Contact us to find out why!

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